American Red Cross
Southern Arizona Chapter
Cochise | Graham | Greenlee | Pima | Santa Cruz

Responding First to Those in Need: How We Serve

Home Who We Are How We Serve Training Classes News/Events Join Us Donate
Local Disaster Relief
Blood Services
Service to the Armed Forces
Life-Saving Training
Disaster Preparedness
Fairs and Presentations
Kids Safe Alone
Masters of Disaster
Reaching the World
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Life-Saving Training

Our local American Red Cross is Southern Arizona's premiere provider of life saving responder classes designed to prepare individuals and workplaces for emergencies. Our chapter trains more than 22,000 people each year in Southern Arizona through the following life-saving classes:

  • Adult CPR / AED / First Aid Classes
  • Infant & Child CPR / AED / First Aid Classes
  • Babysitter Boot Camp & Training Classes
  • Wilderness Safety Classes
  • Pet First Aid
  • Water Safety Instructor Classes
  • Lifeguard Instructor Classes
  • Specialty Emergency Response Classes

You can sign up for a life-saving class today.

Blood Services

Blood badge

Blood is needed in times of emergency, but the ongoing need is also great.

Every two seconds someone needs a blood transfusion. Your blood donation means so much to individuals who need it. You can help make a difference to cancer patients, accident victims, premature infants, and people with chronic diseases who all need your help.

Giving blood doesn't take much time. Each blood donation has the power to save as many as three lives. But whole blood only has a shelf life of 42 days. That is why it is so important to be a regular and frequent donor. America needs to have an adequate blood supply available at all times to meet any of the challenges we might face.

Call 1-800-REDCROSS or visit to make an appointment to donate blood today.

Reaching the World

National & International Disaster Relief

In partnership with our national and international organizations, and with other partner relief agencies, we help provide aid for large-scale disasters. Whether Hurricane Katrina, 9/11, the Southeast Asian Tsunami, or in disasters to come, we provide the same kind of assistance as we provide for local disasters on a much larger scale.

International Tracing & Messaging Services

When contact is broken between family members —by warfare, natural disaster or other emergency— concern over the fate of loved ones takes a powerful emotional toll. As part of our mission, our local chapter assists southern Arizonans to relay messages to their loved ones in other countries or to find their lost loved ones abroad. As a component of a national program, this service helps to restore a family's peace of mind by locating loved ones, relaying messages between relatives who have no other way to communicate, assisting in the reunion of family members and helping families find the additional assistance they need.

© American Red Cross Southern Arizona Chapter
2916 East Broadway Blvd., Tucson, Arizona 85716
Powered by Convio 

