American Red Cross
Southern Arizona Chapter
Cochise | Graham | Greenlee | Pima | Santa Cruz

Responding First to Those in Need: How We Serve

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Local Disaster Relief for Children & Families

We thank the sponsors of our local disaster relief services:

Whatever the cause, disasters are catastrophic for the victims. Whether the disaster is a house fire that affects one family, or a flood that affects hundreds of people, the Red Cross provides immediate help during times of crisis.

Every 2 to 3 days, we are called to assist children and families who have lost their home to a house fire, flood, or other devastation. Children and families left homeless from disasters seek the Red Cross in their time of need. We've found that 67% of people affected by local disasters are children.

They come to us, often with only the clothes on their backs seeking a caring person. In return, our Disaster Action Teams (DAT), made up entirely of volunteers, provide comfort kits for personal hygiene, emergency shelter, food, clothing, and appropriate financial assistance. We also link children and parents to housing assistance, social services, and mental health services to help assist with the devastating loss of their homes, belongings, pets, loved ones, and often their "old lives." In essence, we help them begin anew.

But that's not all. Above all else, our volunteers provide a special touch that is never forgotten. For when children and families are in need, we provide a shoulder to lean on, a person to cry with, toys for children to play with, and a sense of hope and dignity... the very kind of assistance that helps families to develop a plan to get back on their feet again.

Red Cross Disaster assistance is provided free of charge, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and is made possible by voluntary gifts of time and money from people like you.

© American Red Cross Southern Arizona Chapter
2916 East Broadway Blvd., Tucson, Arizona 85716
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